Never give up on your dreams, no matter how far away they may seem to be.
Kate first developed her love of reading back in the days when TV’s were an expensive luxury her parents could not afford and books were her only way to get lost in adventure and fantasy. Even from an early age she wanted to let her own imagination have a free rein and write something that was more than an English homework assignment – she wanted to become a published author.
Her first book, Shadows of Darkness began life over 30 years ago and the manuscript has had almost as much of an epic adventure as the characters within it. Initially saved on a floppy disc in the days when that was how you saved the important stuff, it was eventually dusted off and transferred to a pc but was then lost, seemingly forever, when a relationship turned very sour.
But the gods of writing had other plans and, by a miracle of memory, a copy was discovered in an old email folder along with the full story plan. It was a few thousand words short of what had been lost but most of it was saved – this book was clearly meant to be written!
However, as happens, life, children and the need as a single mum to work full time and provide for her two children meant that any plans of authorship had to go on the back burner for many years.
Finally, life took a dramatic turn for the better and Kate was able to ditch the 9-5 slog and think about picking up her manuscript again. What was initially going to be one book has now morphed into a series of eight – brevity in the written word was never Kate’s strength but an epic adventure needs the space to develop and grow and an overly active imagination didn’t help either!
With the love and support of an amazing man as well as coaching from an amazing mentor, Kate is finally fulfilling her life-long ambition of becoming a best-selling author.
Kate writes from the heart, from life experience and with the aim of teaching her readers, through the medium of fantasy, the lessons in life she wished she could have taught her own children. After all, the subconscious works in stories and what better way to teach than through books and a desire to read.
A Yorkshire girl at heart, she now lives in the flat-lands of rural South Lincolnshire in the UK with her partner, two cats, two horses and gin…lots and lots of gin…and coffee…and chocolate…and wine…and donuts…
From Dream To Reality
At the age of 55, her lifelong self-limiting view of never being ‘good enough’ in any sphere of life, led her to the decision to take a totally radical and different approach. What followed was a powerful process of personal growth based on energy work, mindfulness, and a focus on positivity and gratitude, that has led to her becoming a published author.
Kate writes from the heart, from life experience and with the aim of teaching her readers, through the medium of fantasy, the lessons in life she wished she could have taught her own children. After all, the subconscious works in stories and what better way to teach than through books and a desire to read.
Books By Kate Jones
When it is your destiny to become the hero of an ancient prophecy and save a world that is not your own, you have very little choice in the matter…even if you don’t believe in magic.